In the past Georgia Tech was a school solely for white males. There was no diversity in the school and there was a lot of discrimination. There were no women allowed and nobody of colored was allowed. Eventually Tech slowly integrating women and other races into their school and the vast discrimination slowly started decreasing.
The first big step the Georgia Tech took was allowing women to join the school. In the fall semester of 1952 there were four women that were accepted into the school. This was a huge step for the school because this was the first step the school took from only allowing a small selection of people. Ever since that time Tech has worked on raising their ratio of men to women. They have come a far way from not allowing any women at all to having almost a third of the students be female.
During the civil rights movement there was a big push for integration all throughout the country. Other schools were mandated the they had to integrate and were physically brought people that were going to go to their school. Georgia Tech on the other hand decided that they were going to integrate by themselves and weren’t going to have anyone force them to. There were three students that originally came to the campus. Ralph Long, Ford Greene, and Lawrence Williams are now know as the first African American students to go to Georgia Tech.
Tech is taking steps in the right direction. They themselves made it to where more people had an equal opportunity to go to school. Letting women and other races go to school shows that Tech is looking forward to a common greater good.
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